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Вы здесь » Форум Города N » Core » Machinist [Experimental, Grindcore, Noise, Technical, usa]

Machinist [Experimental, Grindcore, Noise, Technical, usa]

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One of the most influential bands of all time for Debello was a little-known
  and underappreciated band from Tulsa, Oklahoma by the name of Machinist. They
  were recognized as an icon of sorts by fellow Oklahomans for setting the
  precedent in amazing 'technical' grind, but were not around long enough to
  spread their music around the globe. In fact, there were few that were
  fortunate enough to even attain a copy of their ultra-limited and extremely
  DIY EP they made (which I believe was limited to 50 copies). Seeing as how
  the music this band made was far too good to never see the light of day,
  Debello offered to press their EP (which clocks in at just over 11 minutes)
  and they gracefully obliged.

01. Joe Shit The Rag Man - 00:49
02. Slavedriver - 01:33
03. Sorting Through The Cultural Garbage And Recycling It - 02:11
04. Fuck Bugs - 01:49
05. Untitled - 05:17

https://musify.club/release/machinist-m … 007-496202

Подумал что в грайндкоре этой теме не место и решил сюда.Если что, перенесите)



ха,вчера хотел качнуть их,стиль напугал))



гм... или в грайнд или в кор.



С эксперементалом это я конечно погарячился)
в кор перенесите, там будет уместнее


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